Matt and Joy Kahn are best-selling authors, intuitive coaches, and speakers.

They are a married couple who work in tandem to help you release karmic, emotional, and behavioral patterns so that you can fall madly in love with your life, experience vibrant health, and develop sacred connections.

Joy's diverse background in corporate business, degrees in business strategy and psychology, and numerous certifications in healing have been the foundation for her work internationally with thousands of people over the past 25 years. Matt is YouTube sensation with 22+ million YouTube channel views. He is the author of the highly acclaimed books Whatever Arises, Love That, Everything Is Here to Help You, The Universe Always Has a Plan, and All for Love, which have all been translated into more than a dozen languages.

Together, Matt and Joy are devoted to inspiring, mentoring and spiritually activating healers, life coaches, aspiring authors, business leaders and other world changers. Together, they are the creators of Mastering the BrainGAME™, and MindSHIFT - a transformational coach training & certification program taught in more than 10 countries.

When not speaking on stage, filming podcast episodes, or serving their global audience, they enjoy exploring new seasonal ingredients at the farmer’s market, celebrating their love by getting re-married every few months, and quality time with their animals and friends.

Same Loving Wisdom
Made Even More Powerful

While Joy and I have served our own unique communities, as we came together in love, we equally sensed a profound invitation to unite our efforts in a greater more meaningful capacity. As we began noticing the harmonization that our work offers, we decided to say ‘yes’ to taking our skill sets to the next level of potency by serving our world — together. 
While Joy and I have unique intuitive skillsets and diverse backgrounds of experience, we began to see how complimentary they were when brought together. With my focus of self-love and Joy’s intricate awareness of the mind, we began to piece together an entirely new roadmap of transformation when combining our powers as one.
This allows you to receive the best of both our abilities that have been dramatically upgraded and enhanced by working in tandem. For those who have experienced this new depth of our work, it's a difference you can feel on a mental, emotional, and energetic level.

You don’t have to be spiritual in order to heal.

You don’t have to cycle in endless patterns and symptoms just because you’re emotionally aware.

You don’t have to hide from the world even if feeling unseen by others.

You don’t have to suffer in silence while wearing a high vibe mask. There is another way. It’s a chance to live in harmony with the body, not beyond it. An invitation to be one with the mind, not in denial of it. An opportunity to integrate the ego, not fight or ignore it. A decision to authentically face your life openly, not live in negotiation with it.

"Working with the “dynamic duo” that is Matt and Joy has been a life changing experience for us individually, as a couple, as a family and as business owners.

We are deeply grateful for their unwavering love, support and inspiration. They provide us truly unmatched guidance and mentorship aligning us with the universal laws, our truth and our highest potentials individually and as a couple. They lift us from the traps of societal norms, false beliefs and limiting patterns, helping us get in touch with who we really are as alchemists. Their unique ability to bring indescribable insights into succinct and practical understanding has been truly transformative. We are now witness to the magic all around us. So if you are fortunate enough to work with them, strap in, its going to be a ride! Chris and Karl”

Chris Clarke CA, R.F.P., TEP
CEO First Affiliated Holdings Inc.

“Matt is a gentle soul who believes, and lives, the power of love.   His work touches me deeply and brings a level of grace that I’ve never experienced. In partnering up with Joy, his beloved, their offerings have become even more special. Joy, is well, a joy.  I wasn’t familiar with Joy’s work and now, after the Becoming Frequency retreat, I am a huge fan.

The becoming Frequency was a retreat like I’ve never experienced.  Matt and Joy shared so generously of themselves.  I still feel the magic of this retreat.  I am continuing to integrate and become frequency. They are both so real and so approachable.  I feel very blessed that I get to fall in love with myself all over again with their guidance and my heart’s evolution.”

Mindy Baker